[production number: 129]


			 Based Upon
			 Created By
		      Gene Roddenberry

Kate Mulgrew			as	Captain Kathryn Janeway

			Also Starring
Robert Beltran			as	Commander Chakotay
Roxann Biggs-Dawson		as	Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres
Jennifer Lien			as	Kes
Robert Duncan McNeill		as	Lieutenant Tom Paris
Ethan Phillips			as	Neelix
Robert Picardo			as	The Doctor
Tim Russ			as	Lieutenant Tuvok
Garrett Wang			as	Ensign Harry Kim

			 Created By
	 Rick	   &	   Michael	 &	 Jeri
	Berman		   Piller		Taylor

[lead credits]


	Theme By			Jerry Goldsmith
	Line Producer			Brad Yacobian
	Producer			Wendy Neuss
	Producer			Merri Howard
	Supervising Producer		Peter Lauritson
	Supervising Producer		Brannon Braga
	Written By			Nicholas Corea
	Directed By			Jonathan Frakes

[end credits]

		     Executive Producers
	 Rick		   Michael		 Jeri
	Berman		   Piller		Taylor

[closing credits]

	Executive Story Editor		Kenneth Biller

Rick Worthy				3947/Cravic 122
Hugh Hodgin				6263/Prototype

	Music By			Dennis McCarthy

	Director of Photography		Marvin V. Rush, A.S.C.
	Production Designer		Richard D. James
	Editor				Robert Lederman

	Unit Production Manager		Brad Yacobian
	First Assistant Director	Adele Simmons
	Second Assistant Director	Arlene Fukai

	Casting By			Junie Lowry-Johnson, C.S.A.
					Ron Surma

	Original Casting By		Nan Dutton, C.S.A.
	Casting Executive		Helen Mossler, C.S.A.

	Costume Designer		Robert Blackman
	Set Decorator			Leslie Frankenheimer

	Visual Effects Producer		Dan Curry

	Visual Effects Supervisor	David Stipes
	Post Production Supervisor	Dawn Velazquez

	Supervising Editor		J.P. Farrell
	Scenic Art Supervisor /
		Technical Consultant	Michael Okuda
	Senior Illustrator /
		Technical Consultant	Rick Sternbach

Make-Up Designed and Supervised By	Michael Westmore

	Art Director			Michael L. Mayer
	Set Designer			Louise Dorton
	Visual Effects Coordinator	Joe Bauer
Visual Effects Series Coordinator	Edward L. Williams
	Visual Effects Associate	Cheryl Gluckstern

	Script Supervisor		Cosmo Genovese
	Special Effects			Dick Brownfield
	Property Master			Alan Sims
	Construction Coordinator	Al Smutko
	Junior Illustrator		Jim Magdaleno
	Video Coordinator		Denise Okuda

	Hair Designer			Suzan Bagdadi
	Make-Up Artists			Scott Wheeler
					Mark Shostrom
					Greg Nelson
	Hair Stylists			Barbara Minster
					Karen Asano-Myers
	Wardrobe Supervisor		Carol Kunz

	Sound Mixer			Alan Bernard, C.A.S.
	Camera Operator			Doug Knapp, S.O.C.
	Chief Lighting Technician	Bill Peets
	First Company Grip		Randy Burgess
	Key Costumers			Tom Siegel
					Matt Hoffman

	Music Editor			Gerry Sackman
	Supervising Sound Editor	Bill Wistrom
Supervising Sound Effects Editor	Jim Wolvington
	Sound Editors			Miguel Rivera
					Masanobu Tomita
					Ruth Adelman
	Post Production Sound By	Modern Sound

	Production Coordinator		Diane Overdiek
	Post Production Coordinator	Cara Colombini
	Production Associates		David Rossi
					Zayra Cabot
					Sandra Sena
	Pre-Production Coordinator	Lolita Fatjo

	Science Consultant		Andre Bormanis
	Main Title Design By		Santa Barbara Studios
					Dan Curry
	Filmed with Panavision(R) Cameras and Lenses

	Motion Control Photography	Image G
	Digital Optical Effects		Digital Magic
	Computer Generated Effects	Amblin Imaging
	Special Video Compositing	CIS, Hollywood
	Editing Facilities		Unitel Video

	 The persons and events in this program are
      fictitious.  Any similarity to actual persons or
		  events is unintentional.
     This motion picture is protected under the laws of
    the United States and other countries.  Unauthorized
    duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in
	  civil liability and criminal prosecution.
	  STAR TREK(R) is a registered trademark of
     Paramount Pictures registered in the United States
		Patent and Trademark Office.
	    STAR TREK: VOYAGER(tm) is a Trademark
    *					   DD SURROUND TM

Roger Noe (noe@cs.uiuc.edu)
University of Illinois (217) 244-6173
Urbana, IL USA