652 - 9/06/04 - 20:25
653 - 9/08/04 - 17:11
The old tower is now coming down.
The very top section was already gone by the time I got there.
654 - 9/08/04 - 23:02
655 - 9/08/04 - 23:02
656 - 9/08/04 - 23:04
The first section to be stored in the temporary location until
removed by a different group.
Notice that the top red section is missing.
It was used as support for the rope trolley line,
i.e., because of its weight, a pulley was attached to it
and placed in a location that would result in the trolley line
being able to pull sections away from the tower as they are removed.
You can see that in later images.
657 - 9/10/04 - 16:47
The last section before they have to move the tower support brace.
658 - 9/10/04 - 18:07
659 - 9/10/04 - 18:09
660 - 9/10/04 - 21:52
You can see in these two images that the tower brace has
been moved down the tower.
661 - 9/10/04 - 21:52
662 - 9/10/04 - 21:53
An overall shot, showing what has been removed so far.
663 - 9/11/04 - 18:27
More sections moved to storage.
664 - 9/12/04 - 15:14
665 - 9/12/04 - 15:17
666 - 9/12/04 - 15:23
This series of eight photos shows a section being removed and lowered
to the ground.
667 - 9/12/04 - 15:24
668 - 9/12/04 - 15:26
669 - 9/12/04 - 15:27
670 - 9/12/04 - 15:30
671 - 9/12/04 - 15:31
672 - 9/12/04 - 15:33
673 - 9/12/04 - 15:35
674 - 9/12/04 - 15:37
675 - 9/12/04 - 15:39
676 - 9/12/04 - 15:40
677 - 9/12/04 - 15:41
678 - 9/12/04 - 15:44
679 - 9/12/04 - 15:44
680 - 9/12/04 - 15:45
681 - 9/12/04 - 15:46
682 - 9/12/04 - 15:51
683 - 9/12/04 - 16:09
684 - 9/12/04 - 16:10
685 - 9/12/04 - 16:10
686 - 9/12/04 - 16:12
687 - 9/12/04 - 16:14
688 - 9/12/04 - 16:14
689 - 9/12/04 - 16:15
690 - 9/12/04 - 16:23
691 - 9/12/04 - 16:34
692 - 9/12/04 - 16:46
693 - 9/12/04 - 16:51
694 - 9/12/04 - 16:55
695 - 9/12/04 - 16:56
696 - 9/12/04 - 16:56
697 - 9/12/04 - 17:02
698 - 9/12/04 - 17:14
699 - 9/12/04 - 17:31
- There are up to six riggers working up in the tower.
- The very bottom section is 16' and is one foot AGL.
- The next six sections at the bottom are about 26.667'.
- Each remaining section is 20'.
- The T-bar is 11'.
- Currently scheduled date for antenna sticks to be installed: 8/1/04.
- The antennas will be hoisted into place.
- One of the copper signal feeders will carry channel 15.
The other copper feeder will carry a combined 19 and 32 (DTV).
The waveguide will carry channel 57.
- Original images are 2560x1920 - TIFF (5 Mpixel)
- Starting with the 6/15/04 images, they are 3264x2448 - TIFF
(8 Mpixel)
- Enlarged views are 720x540 cuts
- Blowup views are 360x270 cuts enlarged to 720x540
- The EXIF value for the time the shots were taken is CST, not CDT
- Starting with the 6/15/04 images, the EXIF value for the time
the shots were taken is GMT